This is about me and my life and my thoughts and my whims and well u'll see :D


For the people looking for some useful piece of information or anything remotely related to the word useful, should leave immediately, as this blog comprises of useless and arbit pieces of things which merge together and make my life :D

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

San Fransisco

This is the beautiful city of San fransisco.Amazing citty (Again!! I knw I will have to curb on the usage of the word amazing but I dont knw many words representing amazing. my vocab sucks!!). U can find all sorts of people there and its in total ocntrast of a city like dulles.
Where Dulles is kinda closed and reserved city with people not much of a place for anyone outside their kinds (more like the british ways).

But SFO is a total contrast to dulles. It has people from all color cast creed sexual orientations ( SFO is suppose to be the gay capital of the world and there si a place named castro which has real high gay population) and this city has embraced everything with equal grace.

Loved the diversity in the culture and the relaxed envirinment.

During the evening thr are so many things happening at pier 39 (thats the IN place in SFO) and its just such a pleasure to be there.

Out of all the places that I have been in US I would rate SFO as the most open and diverse in culture.

Way to go !!!

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