This is about me and my life and my thoughts and my whims and well u'll see :D


For the people looking for some useful piece of information or anything remotely related to the word useful, should leave immediately, as this blog comprises of useless and arbit pieces of things which merge together and make my life :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My golfing experience:)

Well well welll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This weekend I finally experienced the game of the riches, GOLF:)
It was kinda good experience.First it was a long lovely drive (despite of me sitting at the sunhit side,which i think I was tricked into by akshay :D) then the whole resort (yeah it was a resort some 35 km from Bangalore) was lush greeennnnnnnn.
And by lush green I mean lush green, even the sticky and stuffy air seemed to be pleasing us once we were there.
The whole place was so huge and it was a treat for the eye to see so much of green after only buildings and traffic for so many days.
So finally we reached the much coveted eagleton resort and started off with the game.
I was very hungry by the time we reached there ' coz as usual I woke up 1:30 by shweta's call ( and now noone should judge coz I think weekend are suppose to relax your body and mind) and got ready in hurry and obviously didnt have anything.
So by the time we reached the resort I was literally startving.
So the first thing I asked on reaching the resort was "what is there to eat" and shweta came to my rescue(as usual) and told me there must be some sandwich or something, which was right and so much right that there was only sandwich available.
I ordered the sandwich, which again had a problem coz it was suppose to be made somewhere else nad then brought here and some thing like that. SO I just bought a pepsi and came to safely watch others play (and not try anything jazzy till I get a hang of things).
Rithwik as usual was trying something "diffrent" then the other (he had a diffrent club, a lighter one) akshay was doing good with his hits (was driving something close to 100 yards) and swapnil was also kinda okish. Rithwik was trying really hard to get a hang of that club and hit the ball at the "sweet" spot but all the balls totally refused to listen to ritwik or his club. And in the middle of all this I was sitting there totally clueless bout anything and everything, waiting for my sandwich to gimme someway to ihde from all the people who were cajoling me try my hands at it.

Finally my sandwich came and I got busy with it, but as I had expected even other got busy with it and it was finished withing no time and now I had to try my hands at the game.
So I decided no problemo and went on to learn how to hold the club.
Akshay and shweta game me the intial tips on how to hold the club how to place the ball and how to try and hit the ball.
With all this information in my head and full zeal to make the ball move atleast I went on the green mat and placed a ball on it.
I took some last minutes advices from akshay and some last seconds advices from shweta, the best one being "play with your own instincts", but the problem was I was having no instincts :(
so I just made some distance with the ball and others (so that I dont hit them) made my grip on the club and with all my might I swung the club.
I looked up in the sky to see ho high and how far has the tiny little white ball gone.
I could see nothing and then heard someone laughing, it was ritwik.He was pointing to something on my mat and when I looked down I saw that tiny white spheroid sitting at the green mat and had paid no heed to my "powerful stroke"(somehow powerfull stroke reminds me of castrol oil).
So I thought no problem it was my first one so I quickly took another shot but the ball was in no mood to move and I had by this time I was loosing both my patince and faith in this game.
But then giving up so soon would be such a horrible thing to do, so I decided, nope, I won't give up so soon.
So this time I took another one, with all the tips given by all the people in my mind, thunbs in a strtaight line on the club, check, ditsnce from the ball, check, placement fo ball, check and finally I again hit it without moving my eyes from the ball, and just like it is in movie, it happend the ball finally moved.
Although it just moved a few inches but it moved.
I was dancing with joy by that few inches movement :) and I followed the same thing and improved on that.
Aprt from me there were other who were struglling with the game as well but at diffrent levels.
There was ritwik who was trying to get a hang of the wooden club and trying to find the "sweet" spot. Then there was ritwik whose performance was splendid in a few shot and almost equal to mine (not that it any bad but still) in the others.
Akshay got tierd after a while and shweta got really bored.
But as the day went on I really started enjoying the game owing to the amzing leg pulling that we were doing and the game it was was so good.
I remember when once swapnil was desperately trying to hit the ball and the ball was in no mood to listen to the club suddenly his phone rang.
Shweta said "oh its his mom, its his mom, sehwaag ki maa ka phone hai sehwaag ki maa ka phone hai, now he will paly his best stroke :D (more on the tune of the reliance ad and sehwag's mom thingy :D).
Then there was this pro who came in to play and all our maharathis (akshay and swapnil to be precise) sat down after they saw him playing but ritwik went on to take the challenge headson (talk about being a bullhead, he is a true taurean!!:D) and proved in 5 years he will be as great as that guy.
All in all a fun outing and am already looking forward to our next golfing outing.

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