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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Calvin's profession!!!!

Here are some thoughts from a friends friends friends and all that networks but an extremely good read if you are a calvin and hobbes regular.

Calvin, as a kid; is a "mind" of a free will. And though he can inculcate himself to be on top in any 'ever-imagined' profession; I personally feel that as he grow up; he'd give his "passion" more value than "money". As a kid, he is un-doubtfully fascinated by money; especially in his strips with "lemonade", "selling advices", "selling Car – Cheap for sale", "pocket money" and other numerous ones. Yet, over all focus of Calvin has always been on "Nature" "Animals" "Evolutions" "Era" "Progress" "Culture" "Science" "Space".
To answer the question, as to what is he going to be when he grows up; there are two "primary" possibilities:
And even though Calvin might often sound more inclined towards "Space and Space Travel" as "spaceman spiff" I feel, it's eventually "Paleontology" that he will choose as his ultimate profession and that too for very distinctive reasons.
Firstly, Dinosaurs, the most vivid part of Calvin's imagination. As a Paleontologist he has opportunities, to quench his thirst of evolution of not only mankind, but other species in the umbrella of fauna, on this planet. This is a very crude sense, provides, a means to "travel through time". It also, keeps him induced with several other aspects of his interests; like "Nature", "Culture" "Science and technologies".
Secondly, I personally feel, that when Calvin grows up, he'd be nothing of sort of what they call "social". He'd be instead, the "loner genius" of his own era; ever engrossed in his work; eventually proclaiming his deserved glory; like Einstein or Newton or Steve Irwin!!!
Also, as he grows up, he'd definitely realize, that along with other precious species, Tiger are on verge of extinction; and irrespective of fact whether he is able to "see" Hobbes as a "live" companion or not; his special affinity to specie, will be successful, in drawing his attention away from celestial matters; and towards Paleontology instead!
So, Paleontologist is what I choose. Yep, that's what Calvin's going to be! J
As for Susie, I think; yeah that's the girl he'd marry; or the only girl who can put up with him. She'd be not only intellectual, but will also make a good wife. [As it's evident in scarce games she has played with Calvin and her Mr. Bun] J
Though, I would hate if he'd grow up; because right now what this world needs is NOT astronomers and Paleontologist; instead what we desperately need is an " impulsive, insubordinate, imaginative, energetic, curious, intelligent and rambunctious six year old ", who does not have much restraint between his mouth and brain! Because, that's what's going to teach the real lessons of life; in most ingenious of forms!

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