This is about me and my life and my thoughts and my whims and well u'll see :D


For the people looking for some useful piece of information or anything remotely related to the word useful, should leave immediately, as this blog comprises of useless and arbit pieces of things which merge together and make my life :D

Friday, August 17, 2007

Some arbit junk

Well its been a crazy month.
Ever since I returned from US the work has been justa bsolute crazy. working from 11 to 11 and then going back and working till 7 in the morning ( Fine it was just one day but still i worked from 11 to 11 reguarly) but I finally took out some time and bought a novel on15th august.
And that was not just any novel its was the novel by Shoba de rather "The shobha de".
The much coveted writer, The total authority on high society and page 3 fudas with a masters rather Phd on celebritieism (people who are shobha de's fan kindly stop here the next few paragraphs are no sugar for you, other can also stop here 'coz hereon are just my rantings agaisnt something. All those who wanna hear the rantings may proceed)
Anyways I bought the novel just to get a flavour of her writing and trust i8t left a reall bad taste in my mouth.
The story basically revolves around some 5 friends. one of them, who by the way is hell rich and is a great celebrity (and here we go with the whole celebrity thingy), want to meet the rest. The rest, not being in any way fond of her, still go and meet her and there starts all the drama of recollections, memories and reminiscences which none of them cherishes or relishes but yet all of them just coax each other for more.
Thats it, Yeah that the story, but the worst is not over yet. The main point is that whatever she was trying to spin there I don't no why everybody ended up in bed why each of the experience got to the same ending of bedding people, sleeping around and all that.
I mean either the "high society" has nothing else on mind or the writer herself doesnt have anything remotely to do with mind .
Cummon how predicable can she be.
Anyways after reading that novel I have sweared on aaal the bhavani maa and santoshi maa et al. that I would never ever go by the glossy page.
Some writers are good writing about celebrities' boob jobs and broken relationships on page 15 of times of India. This novel thingy, nope not for them.
Would read my good 'ol harry potter to get rid of these depression that i got after reading that novel.

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