This is about me and my life and my thoughts and my whims and well u'll see :D
For the people looking for some useful piece of information or anything remotely related to the word useful, should leave immediately, as this blog comprises of useless and arbit pieces of things which merge together and make my life :D
Friday, March 30, 2007
Work today

Thursday, March 29, 2007
What the hell !!!!
One I have not slept well last night so my thinking capability is screwed to a great extend
Second I am really pissed with some of the people in my working environment (wont call it an office) due to their sheer lack of capability to understand that girls can actually have brain and they can use it as well.
Third I am drowning in work (literally)
But I guess this is the only way I can calm myself down and thinking a li'l more clearly.
But all I have come here for is just how chauvinistic guys can be.
I mean they can’t
They just can’t stand a girl sitting with them working with them and try and go to any extent to make the work environment unpleasant for her.
Things like abusing in front of a female colleague ( I am really not asking for them to be chauvinistic to the extend that pulling chairs for their female counterpart but talking decently is the least that can be expected out of them), leaving her out of the conversation to ignore her to the extend that she feel she has the superpower of invisibility, showing of by throwing in the, oh I know it all, jargon so that even despite of being ignored and if she tries to follow the conversation she can't.
I am not talking about the people from slums and the people who are illiterate. Am talking about some of the most literate and well designated people, who possess few of the fanciest degrees from some of the "premier institutes". What is the bloody point in holding such degrees when you cant even hold urself with the least of dignity.
These guys don’t just stop here; they try to pull the same stunts in front of the seniors (the premier strategy). These shmucks will try to ignore you (again to the verge of invisibility) and then even if you try to put in some point they would write it off by saying something "Smart" (which they will tell in some party with other MCP's).
And when you are stuck somewhere helping is out of question.
Rather first thing they would laugh at you, Then they would there best that u can't get anything that might be helpful and u stay in the same pathetic situation for your life. But thanks to google that is no more possible ( I seriously wonder the pathetic situation of women in pre-google era).
And even if due to some miracle they do agree to help you they would expect you to:
1. Mention it everytime you breath
2.Mention it everytime your manager crosses you in his presence
3. Mention it to the client and everyone associated with the client.
4. Thanks him till you live.
5. Never say no to any of his work
That's all they want.
When it happened to me a couple of times I felt irritated and helpless but now all I feel for them is pity.
I really feel sorry for them coz the century they are living is a century without fire and wheel (That time was without a century even!!).
So best of luck to them I hope they get female managers every time they change their jobs that would be their biggest punishment :)
Chetan bhagat-Engineers :D
I remember the incident - I was in a restaurant, and one girl in our group was especially charming. So I, like any other male, tried to put on a wooing act. You know the routine, a nanosecond extra eye contact, a few more nods to whatever she says, and attempts to throw in those one-liners which you know you wouldn't if she weren't there.
And it seemed to be working. She leaned forward when she spoke to me, and every now and again, we'd have a small conversation of our own, separate from our group. She laughed at my approach with the fork and knife, and I teased her about her hair band, which had little teddy bears. Yes, we were flirting. A while later, she asked me the question - what did I study? I said engineering, without any particular meaning attached to it. And then like a cold metal rail, she went stiff. My jokes weren't funny any more. Her eyes wandered to everyone else. What was it?Why? Why? Why?
Two days later, I still couldn't get over my great start that had dissipated listlessly upon mentioning my education. Engineer? What was wrong with that? My mom had wanted me to become one since I was five! I had to call her. 'So what happened to you that day, hot and cold, missie?' And then she said, trying to be nice, 'Well, it's just that I am skeptical about engineers as friends. I don't know, they can be, you know, very logical and everything... not very touchy feely'.
Not touchy-feely. Now what the heck did that mean? Well, she obviously did not mean it literally, since girls don't really suggest that sort of stuff, certainly not in the first meeting across the table. I guessed it was something to do with feelings, sort of having an emotional side. The stereotype being, the nerdy guy who sees relationships like laws of physics, to whom love is just a bunch of chemicals going crazy in your brain, and getting to know a person means obtaining their bio-data.
It's time to set the record straight.
It's true that a lot of what engineers study (and they end up studying quite a lot), has to do with formulaes, laws and numbers. No matter how hard we try, some of the vocabulary we read all day gets into our language. So when my mother said, 'Are you getting married next year or not?' I was liable to say, 'Well, at this moment in time, the probability is relatively low,' and felt it was completely normal to say it. And when my sister went sari shopping and couldn't explain the shade she wanted, I told the shopkeeper the percentages of pink, orange and red in the sari.
Yet, ladies, I don't think we're bad at relationships, love and getting to know people. We too, can be touchy-feely, as that is part of our education as well. The reason for this is that most engineering students live in the ultimate educator - boy's hostels. Now, let me explain how this plays into this 'touchy-feely' thing. Relationships. Imagine eating, sleeping, brushing your teeth, bathing (ok rarely this one) and partying with the same people all the time. So, when you are kicking that bathroom door down for the tenth time, or when you stand in line for 'gulab-jamuns' in the mess, and when you are done with the vodka bottle and sharing all your secrets, you know it is good practice. Yes, hostels maketh the man.
So, next time you are in a flirtatious situation with the techno types, go on, flirt a bit more. Of course, I am biased towards my kind, but if you find the conversation turning too geeky, just ask them, 'So, what were your hostel days like?' and chances are, you'll see a heart behind the calculator. Coming back to my missie, I thought of what would make me win her over. Flowers... too cheesy. Music... don't know her taste (nor trust mine). Teddy bears... don't even go there. Desperate for some good lines, I just turned it right back at her. 'Yes, I know what you are saying about engineers. The thing is, unless people with depth like you start hanging out with us, we won't get any better. Can you meet me some time for some touchy/feely... oops, I mean coffee/tea?' She giggled. When they giggle, you have won. Hence proved.
Indian Traffic
But what the hell, I realy liked it, so here goes:
Indian road rules broadly operate within the domain of karma where you do your best, and leave the results to your insurance company.
The hints are as follows:
Do we drive on the left or right of the road? The answer is "both". Basically you start on the left of the road, unless it is occupied. In that case, go to the right, unless that is also occupied. Then proceed by occupying the next available gap, as in chess. Just trust your instincts, ascertain the direction, and proceed. Adherence to road rules leads to much misery and occasional fatality. Most drivers don't drive, but just aim their vehicles in the generally intended direction.Don't you get discouraged or underestimate yourself except for a belief in reincarnation; the other drivers are not in any better position.
Don't stop at pedestrian crossings just because some fool wants to cross the road. You may do so only if you enjoy being bumped in the back.Pedestrians have been strictly instructed to cross only when traffic is moving slowly or has come to a dead stop because some minister is in town. Still some idiot may try to wade across, but then, let us not talk ill of the dead.Blowing your horn is not sign of protest as in some countries. We horn to express joy, resentment, frustration, romance and bare lust (two brisk blasts),or just mobilize a dozing cow in the middle of the bazaar.Keep informative books in the glove compartment. You may read them during traffic jams, while awaiting the chief minister's motorcade, or waiting for the rainwater to recede when over ground traffic meets underground drainage.
Occasionally you might see what looks like a UFO with blinking colored lights and weird sounds emanating from within. This is an illuminated bus, full of happy pilgrims singing bhajans. These pilgrims go at breakneck speed, seeking contact with the Almighty, often meeting with success.Auto Rickshaw (Baby Taxi): The result of a collision between a rickshaw and an automobile, this three-wheeled vehicle works on an external combustion engine that runs on a mixture of kerosene oil and creosote. This triangular vehicle carries iron rods, gas cylinders or passengers three times its weight and dimension, at an unspecified fare. After careful geometric calculations, children are folded and packed into these auto rickshaws until some children in the periphery are not in contact with the vehicle at all. Then their school bags are pushed into the microscopic gaps all round so those minor collisions with other vehicles on the road cause no permanent damage. Of course, the peripheral children are charged half the fare and also learn Newton's laws of motion en-route to school.
Auto-rickshaw drivers follow the road rules depicted in the film Ben Hur, and are licensed to irritate.Mopeds: The moped looks like an oil tin on wheels and makes noise like an electric shaver. It runs 30 miles on a teaspoon of petrol and travels at break-bottom speed. As the sides of the road are too rough for a ride, the moped drivers tend to drive in the middle of the road; they would rather drive under heavier vehicles instead of around them and are often "mopped" off the tarmac.Leaning Tower of Passes: Most bus passengers are given free passes and during rush hours, there is absolute mayhem. There are passengers hanging off other passengers, who in turn hang off the railings and the overloaded bus leans dangerously, defying laws of gravity but obeying laws of surface tension. As drivers get paid for overload (so many Rupees per kg of passenger), no questions are ever asked. Steer clear of these buses by a width of three passengers.One-way Street: These boards are put up by traffic people to add jest in their otherwise drab lives.Don't stick to the literal meaning and proceed in one direction. In metaphysical terms, it means that you cannot proceed in two directions at once. So drive as you like, in reverse throughout, if you are the fussy type. Least I sound hypercritical; I must add a positive point also.Rash and fast driving in residential areas has been prevented by providing a "speed breaker"; two for each house. This mound, incidentally, covers the water and drainage pipes for that residence and is left untarred for easy identification by the corporation authorities, should they want to recover the pipe for year-end accounting.Night driving on Indian roads can be an exhilarating experience for those with the mental make up of Genghis Khan. In a way, it is like playing Russian roulette, because you do not know who amongst the drivers is loaded. What looks like premature dawn on the horizon turns out to be a truck attempting a speed record. On encountering it, just pull partly into the field adjoining the road until the phenomenon passes.Our roads do not have shoulders, but occasional boulders. Do not blink your lights expecting reciprocation. The only dim thing in the truck is the driver, and with the peg of illicit arrack (alcohol) he has had at the last stop, his total cerebral functions add up to little more than a naught. Truck drivers are the James Bonds of India, and are licensed to kill. Often you may encounter a single powerful beam of light about six feet above the ground. This is not a super motorbike, but a truck approaching you with a single light on, usually the left one. It could be the right one, but never get too close to investigate. You may prove your point posthumously ""
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Late to work
Have loads on my plate and a deliverable today tommorrow and on tuesday
God I need u now more then any other time :(
Do guys ever grow up
I am still up to complete some piece work that I am suppose to deliver in two days.
Have got loads of work to finish in dat but as usual am in a fix with regard to something.
Anyways just thot of sropping in and arting a tiny post.
was talking to someone simultaneously (yeah multitasking is my forte) and was wondering how diffrent these teenagers are from the guys of my age.
They think diffrently
They act so kiddish(some of them dnt grow up even when they are in thr 30s but most of them do)
I was just wondering why are boys so kiddish and want all the things their way.
even when they do grow up (that takes so much of patience and time) they always have to act so bossy with thr gurl.
always want the girl to act to thr whims and commands.
And the more irritating thing is that gurls do act at thr whims and wishes (including me)
I have been so many time tormented by such guys(even my age guys!!) to the extend that I was on the verge of madness (not that am any better otherwise but still:))
Why dont guys grow up or rather why they dont wanna grow up?
why do they always have to be right?
why do they have this thing about controlling everything around them including people whome they actully care about?
and why cant they ever think when they are not in the best of thr moods?
Why not when they thing thr female counterpart should do the same?
And the worst part is that they blame the gurls for these things also!!
Strange but I think god has to be a guy else he wouldn't have given guys such a temperament.
Anyways i better sleep.
Tommorrow is a long long day............................
Mera bharat mahan
India our motherland.
Todays I was just discussing(I was actually argueing) bout which is a better city Delhi or bombay (Now mumbai thanks to our jobless politicians).
Both of us were adamant 'bout proving their own city better then the other and were trying really hard (with some help google. ofcource!!) to produce statistics to prove nad support our point.
But the whole thing just made me think of one thing how much we the so called "Literate and educated class" argue bout things like region,religion, caste and stuff which otherwise we would say that we have raised above.
Have we really raised ourselves above those issue or is it still somewhere at the back of our mind lurking to reveal itself whenever thr's a chance??
Is patriotism is only limited to India's cricket matches(which again is a reall sad story)??
Or do we need to have something like kargil for us to raise above our issues of region religion caste color creed.
why dont we wear our patriotism on our sleeves the way autralians or Americans do??
Or is it that our india is not good enuff for our patriotism??
Well india being such a potpourri of cultures, diffrences are bound to happen.
But are the point that bothers me is that we are not so passionate bout our country as we are about our religion or any such difrentiating factor. and am not talking about the "zabardasti" ka patriotic, where I have to be patriotic about my country as I was born here(this way all the terrorist who infiterate into india from pakistan would be patriotic)but be proud of it as I feel I belong here and the country belongs to me.And India being the country with a rich history, a history full of sacrifices(I just had so much trouble in spelling scraifices :-/) I think anyone who will have some integrity would be proud of it.
These days all the example that we see of patriotism are hovering around bandhs protests elections and something or the other related to that.
It sounds very corny but our grandgrand fathers wouldn't have imagined us flaunting our deshprem in such a form(given my grea great great grand father wasnt lazy like me and was actually fighting for the country).
I guess today's patriotism has risen a lil bit more and now ppl are writing blogs and spilling over the net.
Lets hope something better will come in future
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
San Fransisco
This is the beautiful city of San fransisco.Amazing citty (Again!! I knw I will have to curb on the usage of the word amazing but I dont knw many words representing amazing. my vocab sucks!!). U can find all sorts of people there and its in total ocntrast of a city like dulles.
Where Dulles is kinda closed and reserved city with people not much of a place for anyone outside their kinds (more like the british ways).
But SFO is a total contrast to dulles. It has people from all color cast creed sexual orientations ( SFO is suppose to be the gay capital of the world and there si a place named castro which has real high gay population) and this city has embraced everything with equal grace.
Loved the diversity in the culture and the relaxed envirinment.
During the evening thr are so many things happening at pier 39 (thats the IN place in SFO) and its just such a pleasure to be there.
Out of all the places that I have been in US I would rate SFO as the most open and diverse in culture.
Way to go !!!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Old one part four
yeah! yeah! weekend is almost here!!!Not particularly happy bout it, but still, its nice to have two holidays coming ur way.more then that am happy that today wasn't as bad as i was expecting it to be.I completed my presentation (phew!! finally!!) and was reading this really boring document when I finally gave up on it and came here.Today I was just thinking bout my official life. Its been just one year and 7 months since I started off with my professional life and I have already changed one job.I dunno but coming in thsi company was kinda cultural shock for me(i have written 'was' as now I have become a lil used to it).I mean I was working in this company where everyone is really professionally(atleast they show it dat ways) and no-nonsense kinda ppl.and here I was with bunch of call centre guys who are very diffrent from the people I was so used to dealing with.But people are nice here in there own way(not all of them though).Maybe its just my imagination but they are a little better then the so called professionals(whome i left with my old company).These guys dont give the typical jargon I was so used to hearing, not that they dont do it on purpose but just that they dont know it.But coming to the flip side of it they have there own sweet jargon.which they DO NOT hesitate to use as frequently as possible.At times that becomes annoying (me switching to the cribing mode).another problem that I faced here is the show off thing.noone knows anything (anything=most of the things) but everyone tries to beat everyone else by just being as much verbose as possible.there is one guy(Mister X) who thinks that if u cant win an argument by logic win it by talking as fast as u can and using as many words as possible(better still if u use spanish, itlaian and french words).so that no one can understand a single word of watever u are saying.that really annoys me at times but it amuses me at the same time coz I really dont know how to react to his arguments.apart from mister X there are others who try and give rationale for evry damn thing they do or maybe they dont do.I mean wats with this of being rite.I really dont undersatnd why cant people stand being wrong.Anyone can be wrong at any point of time and there is nothing wrong in being wrong the wrong thing would not to accept that.But whatever it may be thsi is the my office world and right now I am kinda okey with it.Dunno bout the future though.hope for the best:)
Old one part three
Here are some thoughts bout writing
No writer is a bad writer
An original writer is not one who imitates nobody, but one whom nobody can imitate.
"Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my library are books that other folks have lent me.
Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs.
Write what you love and love what you write.What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers.
Old one part two
Its really strange.This thing known as happiness.
At times the best thing in this world doesnt give u as much happiness as just making some else happy gives.
And that exactly wat am feeling today.Its kinda euphoric!!!!!
Old one
and one fine day I forgot my password or was the ID.
Anyways somehow I recovered those posts today and now wud add them here.
Here goes
my mechanism
confusion=more confusion=irritation
Feeling really pathetic rite now
dont even feel like writing anything
how one thing can lead to another and things can take a 360 degree change in a day, I came to know today.
Dammit !!!!!!
Here is the first posts of that blog
Friday, September 01, 2006
I was just going thru this article for a presentation about web analytics and wen I got really bored of it I just came in here to write a lil bout whatever I have learnt. Apart from the learnings that I have had, the most striking thing that I realized is, that how different and at the same time how same are the two kind of marketing.E-commerce is fast replacing the regular conventional commerce.not that it ever going to totally replace it(maybe it can!!) but still the way its making way into ppl's life is remarkable(not that it doesn’t make sense).well for any buyer the convenience is the biggest factor that might make you buy from a e commerce site rather then going thr and then buying it(its applies specially to the bedbugs like me) but the touch and feel factor(which is really important in markets like India) is missing.Now seeing the other side of the story is the e marketing.I feels that this is a very convenient way of marketing provided you know the trick of the game.It has to hit the nail coz here ur actual presence is fairly missing and apart from that thr are so many (seriously!!) people who just come around to see and not to buy.So profiling the exact customer and knowing your audience is very important.Apart from that we need to know that where am I loosing the business and more precisely to whom.Small mistakes some where in the site can lead to a big lose.I mean take for instance what if u are trying to ell something and the submit button doesn’t work.Also the surfing pattern of any consumer is extremely important. In general it the human tendency to just flip thru the first few choices, so making sure that ur product (if there are comp present)or ur most premium product(in case its just ur products which are present) shud come at the top.Then the chances of ur product being clicked and being visible(if not bought) is high.Well but this is just start fo the process the actual trick is in the conversion of visitors to the buyers.When we can do that the game is ours.To solve these kinds of things we use web analytics (which basically is my domain).This is a process of using the available information of page view and visitors to ones site to derive and improve your business.Whether its a customer complaint site or a search engines.This information can not just reveal a lot about the usage patter but also bout who is buying my product and who is just interested in simple harmless(rather harmful) surfing.As the people who use internet or more precisely any portal for advertising pay thru their nose each of the clicks made at their site and each of the page visited is a cost causing thing.So they have to be very careful about how they go about it.
Well let’s see how i face it but rite now is the time to go.Its Friday :) and me leaving
Men in blue, painted black

"It was pathetic, absolute incompetant team we are have. They should die of shame". he said with all the rage he could muster.
He was echoeing the thought many of us even me to be precise.
How much let down we feel due to the (non) performance of the team and how pathetic our Men in blue were on the field.
Its not just us who are feeling this way.
The other day when I was watching India Srilanka's match I saw it on the face of mandira bedi too (she was fuming).
So its not just the common man who is outraged by the indian team but the anchors and anyone who was waiting for the world cup is extremely dissapointed.
This dissappointment is splashed everywhere be blogs, newspaper, TV channels, special reports, Comedy channel.
You anywhere we will see it.
but is it really the fault of the players alone,isnt there anyone else involved in this thing.
All the people who are now so busy analysing and critising out indian cricket team weren't they the one who made the players bigger then the game (corny statment, I know but true).
quoting mandira bedi here"this bubble of creating image of the players bigger then team had to burst someday and hence this was bound to happen".
Take any team for instance south africa, Australia, srilanka and come to think of it even bangladesh (they are really in good shape this time) and ireland, the players play with a passion. All the players are thr to play for the team and not to perform so that they can get better sponsorships back at home.
They were not worried about how many ads they will get or who will sponser them (bangaladesh's main sponser were a tea company coz that's all was thr on there Tshirts).
Thus none of the players in our team bothered about the team.
I guess they totallly forgot about the team the moment thet stepped on the ground which is why they would be watching the matches at home (if anyof them is lucky enuff he might get a chance to watch it wid hrithik roshan in his home theater with tata sky's slogan "tata sky laga dala to life zingalala").
Well no matter how much we may discuss or curse the team they are out of the tournament and a team like bangaladesh has taken our place in the super eight.
This is when Indian cricket team is the highest paid team in the WORLD :O
There has to be a reality check now. Do the players deserve to be there in the team?
why arent younger players getting any chance in the team?
Dont we have just 14 good players from the blue billion that we so fondly talk bout in Ads?
why dont older player retire when they know its time?
why do have to be dragged out of the team ?(look at how shane warne retired and now Mcgrath)
Anyways thr will be some actions taken once our men in blue are back.
Lets see what are they gonna do this time.
The good 'ol days
cricket ...
When we always had friends to play aais-paais (I Spy),
chhepan-chhepai and pitthoo anytime ...
When we desperately waited for 'yeh jo hai jindagi'
When Chitrahaar, Vikram-Baitaal, Dada Daadi ki kahaniyaan were so fulfilling ...
When there was just one TV in every five houses and
When Bisleris were not sold in the trains and we were worrying if Papas will get back into the train in time or not
when they were getting down at stations to fillup the water bottle ...
When we were going to bed by 9.00pm sharp except forthe 'yeh jo hai jindagi' day ...
When Holis & Diwalis meant mostly hand-made pakwaans andsweets and moms seeking our help while preparing them
When Maths teachers were not worried of our Mummys and Papas while slapping/beating us ...
When we were exchanging comics and stamps andchacha-chaudaris and billus were our heroes ...
When we were in nanihaals every summer and lovedflying kites and plucking and eating unripe mangoesand leechis ...
When one movie every Sunday evening on television was more than asked for and 'ek do teen chaar' and'Rajni' inspired us ...
When 50 paisa meant at least 10 toffees ...
When left over pages of the last years notebooks were used for rough work or even fair work ...
When 'Chelpark' and 'Natraaj' were encouraged against'Reynolds and family' ...
When the first rain meant getting drenched and playing in water and mud and making 'kaagaj ki kishtis' ...
When there were no phones to tell friends that we will be at their homes at six in the evening ...
When our parents always had 15 paise blue colored 'antardesis' and 5 paise machli wale stamps at home
When we remembered tens of jokes and were not finding'ice-cream and papa' type jokes foolish enough to stop us from laughing ...
When we were not seeing patakhes on Diwalis andgulaals on Holis as air and noise polluting orallergic agents ...the list can be endless ...
On a serious note I would like to summarise with ...
When we were using our hearts more than our brains,even for scientifically brainy activities like'thinking' and 'deciding' ...
When we were crying and laughing more often, moreopenly and more sincerily ...
When we were enjoying our present more than worryingabout our future ...
When being emotional was not synonymous to being weak
When sharing worries and happinesses didnt meangetting vulnerable to the listener ...
When blacks and whites were the favourite colors instead of greys ...
When journeys also were important and not just thedestinations ...
When life was a passenger's sleeper giving enough time and opportunity to enjoy the sceneries from its open and transparent glass windows instead of somesuperfast's second A/C with its curtained, closed and dark windows ...
World's biggest theater hall
This is the biggest theater of the world.Radio city hall.Here is where many of the terms prevelant in todays cineworld started like silver screen(as the screen here is made of silver for better quality).The main curtain or the show curtain here si gold plated 24 carat gold and weigh soem 5k pounds. The walls and the ceiling is again coated. This was made by the rockefeller ppl (man they were rich!!) and seats around 6k ppl(if I remeber corrrectly).The whole thing oozes richness and luxury.U feel good by just being thr.
Nothing is for free
In NYC nothing is for free. to get a photograf with this guy u have to pay up.That too in advance :(
The christmas tree
These are the various chritmas trees that I saw and captured in my camers.
While I was there I was wondering whats with chritmas why is Chritmas such a huge festival for them.then i realised its becoz its the only thing in the whole year for them. In india there are soem 3872134567890987654234567809 festivals throughtout the year(thats just an approximate figure, The true figure is still unknown to mankind).So I whole money and energy and enthusiasm is distributed between holi, dilwali,rakhi,dussehra n all that innumerable festivals.But for them this is it.They have to wrap up everything during this time of the year.thats why many of the ppl start thr vacation on thankgiving and continue till they get into the new year. They eat a lot and they be with thr family and enjoy themselves to the most.The stores and shops have special everything,be it the decor, the price, the discounts.everything is special, like special offer,special discounts n all that.
And this time of the year si for family only and only family and if someone invites u home ta this time of year u really have impressed them. All in all this time of the year in US or in any of these countries is the best time coz everything si so full of life and celebrations.
Washington trip
These are the pics from the washington trip.
The place is a real architecral marvel. I guess alll the buildings were made with view of a monument in making.
Be it the national monument,The white house or anything else all were a treat for the eye. Even the christams tree in one of the shops was amazingly beautiful.
Trinity church
Hudson river
All this is in or near the hudson river.the first foto is of the place where the chopper land and take of from for teh air ride of the hudson river and sttue of liberty.U have to pay a fee of $25 dollar(i think) to land also.There in all some 4 bridges on this river I dont remeber any of them except the george washington bridge. These bridges are basically to connet brooklym and manhattan (I have a feeling I can be a guide someday!!)
Lady in the water
Me with the lady in the water.Rohit who was showing me around in NY had a shock wen I said i wanna see the lady in the water.
The movie "The lady in the water had realeased during that time" and he thot I was reffering to it while I was talking bout the statue of liberty.After a long time of my asking him about lady in the water he finally asked me"won't that be a waste of time since u are here only for two days".I laughed and said I was talking bout the liberty statue and not bout the movie and I am not all that die hard fan of manoj shyamlan .

This is the next installment of the US pics. This is the air museum in washington.Amazing place (this shows the lack of vocablury if I find a place nice all i can manage is "amazing place").
They have shown the total history and the development of aircrafts and other artillary involved in it.
The models there were awesome with full description(which I did not read owing to my lack of intrest in reading).
This is where I was staying wen i was in US.Very beautiful place, but damn boring. Nothing to do, but invest your time in working or finding better ways to work.Anyways I liked the place though everything in order, everything in place but somehow I missed the chaos of Bangalore thr.And of all the ppl I missed the autowala's thr. Fighting with them for every rupee extra thr meter used to show.Anyways I was more then happy to be back as I missed India a lot. And while I was missing it I always used to think of all the ppl who plan to settle thr or who are settled thr and who have actually tasted the real essence of India. How can they not miss it. How can they feel the sense of belongingness there as they might feel in thr own home land.May be I am too senti but come to think of it am not all that matrabhoomi, senti and deshpremi n all.I am just a normal person but it could be that I am too satisfied with my life here and also I have resistance towards change and that's the reason I wouldn’t like to settle down in any alien land.Any ways the Us tri taught me a lot of things and I did a lot fo thinking which otherwise wouldn't have striked me.So all in all it was a good trip not just career wise but also for myself (gave me some time for introspection, I knw too big a word for me :D)